Simple and Permanent Reduction in Steam Line Losses

Speaker: Guy Bonneau, B.A. Sc. Elec. Eng. Rob Triebe, N.A. Sc. Chem. Eng.

Steam is the most commonly used medium to distribute heat in health care facilities, due to its high energy content and the ease with which its temperature can be regulated. Steam has given up its useful energy as it condenses to water.

Mechanical steam traps which open when water is present and shut when steam is present have traditionally been used to discharge this water. The mechanical steam trap has been the Achilles heel of the steam system being the source of large energy losses and the majority of operational problems.

New technology now offers a permanent solution to this problem, which is more efficient than even a fully functional mechanical trap. New technology now not only offers permanent energy savings, and thus GHG savings, but also eliminates costly operational expenses needed to replace failed mechanical traps.

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