Add Your Industry Profile

Industry Profiles List Your Company and Support CHES

Provide direct access to those who matter most.  Our members are on the forefront of managing the operation and maintenance of healthcare facilities across Canada.  Control your Company’s ability to provide up to date information to the healthcare environment.  We’ve made it quick and easy.

Industry Profiles includes:

  • A listing in our Industry database which is searchable by any visitor to the CHES website.
  • Company logo displayed
  • Company information displayed including full contact details
  • Brief company description
  • Link to your website
  • Detailed Company description with up to 5 additional links

Cost of Profile listing:  $150/year for 3 years.  Total $450 plus $58.50 HST = $508.50

Logo Restrictions:

  • jpeg image
  • maximum size 50 kb
  • minimum 10 x 10 pixels
  • maximum 250 x 100 pixels


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