National Membership Committee

1. Purpose:

1.1 The purpose of the CHES National Membership Committee is to explore avenues that provide and promote enhancements for our membership, and to support local Chapters in member retention and growth.

2. Meetings:

2.1 Meetings of this committee shall take place at least quarterly by teleconference. A face-to-face meeting shall be held at the National Conference when approved by the CHES Board of Directors.  Minutes of each meeting shall be kept clearly identifying decisions taken, recommendations to the CHES Board of Directors, items requiring further action and persons responsible for follow-up action.  Recommendations from the Committee shall be taken to the CHES Board of Directors by the Executive Liaison.

3. Membership:

3.1 Due to the uniqueness of each province and the importance of getting the proper perspective the committee shall be comprised of representatives from each chapter.  The term of the Chair of the Membership Committee shall be two years.  No chair shall serve more than two consecutive terms.  The Chair and Executive Liaison shall transition on alternate years.

The committee shall be comprised of the following members:           CHES Chapter Member (chair)           National Secretary – Executive Liaison           Executive Director or designate           Representatives from each Chapter           Other parties identified as required by the committee.

4. Responsibilities:

4.1. Attend/Participate in meetings as arranged by the Chair

4.2 Collaborate to identify value added opportunities and member benefits, and prepare recommendations for the CHES Board of Directors to consider that encourage membership in the Society. These may include the analysis of recruitment, retention of Chapter growth, changes to membership fees and/or fee structure.

4.3 Actively encourage non-members to join by promoting the experience to be gained and emphasizing the benefits derived from sharing insights and special skills with other CHES members.

4.4 To ensure that all areas of the country and each chapter have input into the recruitment and retention strategies of the CHES membership.

4.5  To coordinate and implement any special recruitment and retention initiatives as assigned by the CHES Board of Directors.

4.6 Oversee the Awards Committee and ensure that all deadlines are met; assist with facilitating submissions.

4.7 Staff the CHES National booth at the annual conference

4.8 Identify activities and benefits for members to be offered for National Healthcare Facilities & Engineering Week