National Communications Committee

1. Purpose:

1.1 The purpose of the National Communications Committee is to promote and enhance all communication efforts in order to support the work of the Society.

2. Meetings:

2.1 Meetings of this committee will take place quarterly and be held by teleconference or in a virtual format prior to the deadline of articles to the “Journal”, at least by two weeks. A face-to-face meeting will be held at the annual National Conference when approved by the CHES Board of Directors. The team will select a member of the team to record minutes of each meeting. Minutes shall clearly identify decisions taken, recommendations to the CHES National Board of Directors, items requiring further action and persons responsible for follow-up action. All minutes will be copied to National office.

3. Membership:

3.1 Due to the uniqueness of each province and the importance of getting the proper provincial perspective, the committee will be comprised of representatives of each chapter.
3.2 If certain expertise is required ad-hoc membership of people with that expertise is encouraged.
3.3 The term of Chair of the Communications committee shall be two years. No chair shall serve more than two consecutive terms.
3.4 The term of the Vice Chair shall be two years. The vice chair will assume the responsibilities of the chair as required. It is the expectation that the Vice Chair will transition into the position of Chair.
3.5 The transition of the Chair & Executive Liaison shall take place in alternate years , thus allowing overlap of the Executive Liaison and Chair positions.

3.6 The committee will be comprised of the following members:
3.6.1 National Secretary (acts as liaison to the National Executive Board)
3.6.2 CHES Executive Director, or designate
3.6.3 Communication representative from each CHES Chapter
3.6.4 Representative of Associate Members
3.6.5 CHES Quarterly Journal Editor
3.6.6 CHES Webmaster
3.6.7 CHES President (in an ex-official position)
3.6.7 Other parties identified as required by the Communication Committee

4. Responsibilities:

4.1To ensure that all CHES Chapters and Associate Members have input into the contents of the, “Canadian Healthcare Facilities Journal”. To aid the “Journal” Editor in assuring that all submissions are received in a timely manner for publication. Hence the meeting schedule identified under Meetings.

4.2To constantly review that the CHES Website is accurate and up to date via the National Office. It is the responsibility of all Committee members to report and get feed-back from CHES Members regarding any problems or issues with the Website and report any necessary changes that may be required through to the Committee. The committee will then work with the Webmaster via the National Office to obtain pricing and approval for any changes that may be necessary.

4.3To identify any communications opportunities to the National Board of Directors for consideration with particular attention to new emerging web-based technologies including online networking opportunities and the development of partnerships with allied stakeholders.

4.4To coordinate and carry out any special communication efforts as assigned by the National Board of Directors.

4.5To prepare and submit a proposed budget to the Treasurer of the CHES Board of Directors, after deliberation of the Communication Committee.

4.6The chair will provide reports for the Board of Directors meetings quarterly,

4.7The chair for the Communication Committee shall be for 2 years, but not for more than two consecutive terms, i.e., 4 years, and shall be selected from the Committee membership. The National Secretary cannot serve as chair.

4.8The vice chair for the Communications Committee shall be selected from the Committee membership. The vice chair will assume the responsibilities of the chair when he is absent from committee meetings. The National Secretary cannot serve as vice-chair.

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