Wayne McLellan received his award at the 27th Annual CHES Conference held in Calgary, Alberta, September 9-11, 2007. Wayne has been an active member of CHES since the early 1980s and has participated in numerous activities of CHES at the national and provincial level. At the national level, he served as secretary from 2003 to 2005 and vice president from 2005 to 2007, and was elected president for 2007 to 2009. He was instrumental in the creation of the national CHES website, which is a major communication resource for members. At the provincial level, Wayne was very active in helping to organize three provincial conferences for the Ontario Section.
Through his enthusiasm, Wayne inspired his peers to contribute to the development of CHES as a strong organization. He is highly committed to his profession and has worked tirelessly to help members create the type of environment essential for the effective and efficient delivery of health care.
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