44th Annual Conference of the
Canadian Healthcare Engineering Society
Enriching Patient Experiences by Optimizing the Environment
September 8-10, 2024
Halifax Convention Centre
Halifax Nova Scotia
Halifax Convention Centre
1650 Argyle Street
Halifax NS B3J 0E6
Dress Code: Conference: Business Casual
Banquet: Business
All registrants are required to make their own accommodation arrangements directly with the hotel.
Just added! Muir Hotel – call Reservations Department at 902-407-6847 or email reservations@muirhotel.com and ask for CHES2024 National Conference room block.
Rate is $469 Plus applicable taxes.
Muir Hotel
1709 Lower Water Street
Halifax, NS B3J 1S5
Residence Inn by Marriott – SOLD OUT
1599 Grafton Street
Halifax, NS B3J 2C3
Cambridge Suites
Conference Rate SOLD OUT
1583 Brunswick St.
Halifax NS B3J 3P5
Prince George Hotel
Conference Rate SOLD OUT
1725 Market St.
Halifax NS B3J 5N9
The Prince George Hotel conference rate for CHES is sold out, however you may find rooms at a higher rate available depending on availability.
Reservations: The Prince George Hotel
Cambridge Suites Rates per night:
The Cambridge Suites Hotel conference rate for CHES is sold out, however you may find rooms at a higher rate available depending on availability.
Reservation link: Cambridge Suites Halifax
Room availability is limited. Rates are subject to all applicable federal, provincial and local taxes in effect at the time of check out.
Conference Office: CHES National Office
4 Cataraqui Street, Suite 310
Kingston ON K7K 1Z7
info@ches.org | 613-531-2661
Conference Manager: Penny Waddington
Conference Registrar: Meryem Crockett
Executive Director: Tanya Hutchison
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