National Healthcare Standards Subcommittee

1. Purpose:

1.1 The purpose of the Healthcare Standards Committee (HSC) is to provide a voice for society members at key standard and code development bodies. To ensure that the voice of the society and membership is heard throughout the standards development

2. Meetings:

2.1 Meetings of this committee will take place quarterly. Meetings will be held by teleconference unless face-to-face meetings are approved by the CHES Board of Directors in advance and deemed necessary. Minutes of each meeting shall be kept clearly identifying recommendations to the CHES Board of Directors, items requiring further action and persons responsible for follow-up action.

3. Membership:

3.1 The committee will be comprised of the following members:
3.1.1. Chair as designated by the CHES Partnerships &Advocacy Committee
3.1.2. Immediate Past CHES-National President (Partnerships & Advocacy Committee Executive Liaison)
3.1.3. CHES Executive Director or designate
3.1.4. Chair of the CHES Professional Development Committee
3.1.5. Healthcare Standards Liaison from each CHES Chapter (when not represented by other committee members)
3.1.6. Representative of Associate Members (when not represented by other committee
3.1.7. Other parties identified as required by the committee
3.1.8. Representative from Standards Development Organizations (i.e. CSA, NFPA, ASHRAE,NBC) will be called on as needed and invited to attend meetings as guests when appropriate.

4. Reporting Relationship:

4.1 The HSC shall report to the CHES Partnership and Advocacy (P&A) Committee. Procedural order has the Chair of the NHS Subcommittee sitting as an active member of the P&A Committ

5. Responsibilities:

5.1 To ensure that all appropriate geographic areas have input into the direction of the committee.
5.2 To identify areas of concern with the implementation of current standards and identify methodology by which input will be communicated to the appropriate standards organization.
5.3 To advocate for changes in codes and standards as identified by the CHES Board of Directors, and/or Chapters.
5.4 To identify appropriate standards and code development committees and ensure that the Society’s voice is heard, either through representation or communication.
5.5 To coordinate and carry out any special healthcare standards efforts as assigned by the CHES Board of Directors.
5.6 The chair will provide quarterly reports to the P&A Committee updating status of ongoing projects and standards/code efforts.
5.7 Provide editorial material for Canadian Healthcare Facilities.
5.8 Provide recommendations to the CHES Board of Directors for comments on proposed changes to codes and/or standards
5.9 Review of new standards as they proceed through public review.
5.10 Act as a resource to the Conference Steering and Conference Planning Committees on current standards development issues.