CSA Activity Summary

Last updated 3/4/2024

 Standard # Standard Title   Latest Edition Possible Next Edition  CHES Representative  Current Activity Status   Next Planned Activity
 CSA TC for Healthcare Facilities Gordon Burrill (chair) Ongoing Ongoing
CSA-Z8000 TSC for Design and Construction of HCF 2018 2023 Gordon Burrill (vice chair)
Steve Rees
Public Review Public review closes February 16
CSA-Z8001 TSC for Commissioning of HCF 2013 2024 No representation Maintenance
CSA-Z8002 TSC for Operations and Maintenance of HCF 2019 2024 Steve McEwan Maintenance  Active committee beginning early 2024
CSA-Z8003 TSC on HFC Planning Studies and Post Occupancy Evaluation 2021 2026 No representation Maintenance
CSA-Z8004 Operation and Infection Prevention and Control of Long-Term Care Homes 2022 2027 No representation Maintenance
CSA-Z8005 Digital Infrastructure for HCF N/A 2024 No representation Committee Deliberation Expected Feb 2024
CAN/CSA-Z317.1 TSC for Plumbing Systems in HCF 2021 2026 Dustin Van Gaalen Maintenance
CAN/CSA-Z317.2 TSC for HVAC Systems in HCF 2019 2024 Gordon Burrill (vice chair) Committee Deliberation Public review closed
CSA-Z317.5 Illumination of HCF 2017 2024 No representation Maintenance
CSA-Z317.10 Handling of Waste Materials in Health Care Facilities 2021 2026 No representation Maintenance
CSA-Z317.11 Area Measurement of Health Care Facilities 2017 2024 No representation Maintenance
CSA Z317.12 Cleaning & Disinfection of HCF 2020 2025 No representation Active Committee  Committee has been reconvened
CSA ISO Z10535.1 Manufacturing of Lifts for Disabled persons 2015 2025 No representation Maintenance
CSA Z10535.2 Installation and Ongoing use of Lifts for Disabled persons 2017 2025 No representation Maintenance
CAN/CSA-Z317.13 Renovation or Maintenance of Health Care Facilities 2022 2027 Gordon Burrill (past-chair) Maintenance
PLUS 317 (working number) Guidelines for Elementary Assessments of Building Systems in Health Care Projets (working title) 2025 No representation Active Committee Committee being formed. Forward interest to gordon.burrill@teegor.com
CSA Z1600 Emergency and Continuity Management Program 2017 2024 Gordon Burrill Maintenance
CAN/CSA-C282 Essential Electrical Systems in Buildings 2019 2025 Blair Steeves Active Committee Public review expected Spring of 2024
CAN/CSA-Z32 Essential Electrical Systems in HCF 2021 2026 Blair Steeves Active Committee Public review expected Spring of 2024
CAN/CSA-Z7396.1 Medical Gas Pipeline Systems-Part 1 2022 2027 Roger Holliss (vice chair) Maintenance
NFPA 99 Healthcare Facilities Code 2024 2027 No representation New Edition Printed


 TC Technical Committee
 TSC Technical Sub Committee
 Ready for New Edition Committee work and Editing completed and successful
 New Edition Printed New version of the standard has been released
 Maintenance Dormant standard awaiting feedback from users
 Active Committee Committee is actively considering changes to the standard
 Public Review Document has been released for 60-day public review
 Committee Deliberation Public review comments under consideration
 Editing/Legal Review CSA is entertaining legal and editing review
 At TC Vote Document completed and forwarded to TC for vote

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