November 28, 2023 – Mark your Calendars!
Dear Members of CHES Maritime Chapter:
I am writing to you today to make you aware that CHES Maritime will be hosting a complimentary Fall Educational Day to be held on Tuesday, November 28, 2023, 8:30 to 4 at the Best Western Glenngarry in Truro Nova Scotia.
This educational session is FREE to any CHES Maritime members as well as non – CHES members within hospital and long-term care maintenance/operations in the Maritimes. Breakfast and a lunch will be provided. This is an opportunity for front line staff to receive some great professional development and provide networking opportunities with colleagues from across the Maritimes. Attendees are certain to learn new concepts that will benefit our healthcare organizations.
Topics will include areas important to the safe operations and maintenance of our healthcare facilities, such as:
• The importance of computerized maintenance management systems to healthcare
• Asbestos information session
• Hoarding techniques to meet infection control standards
• Roofing maintenance
• Chiller maintenance
• Power Quality: Understanding it, identifying it, & resolving it
• Water management plans assisting with legionella prevention
The seminar line up is outlined below and the full program will be sent out in the next couple weeks.
To register, please provide name, position, main facility or company, phone number and e-mail to:
Debra Fenton Phone 506-648-6745
For those requiring overnight accommodations, The Best Western Glenngarry offer a Single room for $149 plus tax.
Reservation number (800) 780-7234 Hotel direct (902) 893-4311
Hope to see you all at this event.
Best Regards,
Robert Barss
Chair CHES Maritime Chapter (902) 527-8257
2023 Fall CHES Maritime Educational Session
Tuesday November 28
Best Western Glengarry, 150 Willow Street, Truro Nova Scotia
Sign in and breakfast start at 8:30; Seminars begin at 9:30
9:30-10:15 | Seminar 1 – The importance of a CMMS to healthcare |
Speaker: Eric Deveaux | |
10:15-11:00 | Seminar 2 – Asbestos information session |
Speaker: Chris Gallivan | |
11:15-12:00 | Seminar 3 – Hoarding techniques to meet infection control standards |
Speaker: Larry Gibbons | |
12:00-12:45 | Seminar 4 – Roofing maintenance |
Speaker: Jamie Doucette | |
1:15-2:00 | Seminar 5 – Chiller maintenance |
Speaker: Wayne Chiasson | |
2:30-3:15 | Seminar 6 – Power Quality: Understanding it, identifying it, & resolving it |
Speaker: Randy Hayward | |
3:15-4:00 | Seminar 7 – Water management plans assisting with legionella prevention |
Speaker: Terry Runka |