Free Offers for MB CHES Members

Free Offers for MB CHES Members

Three great offers for MB CHES Members from the Chapter


The MB Executive has decided to support any CHES MB members wishing to take the CCHFM Self Assessment Exam (practice test) the first time. The Chapter would pay the $115.00 cost. In order to qualify you need to meet all the requirements of eligibility to take the exam. Please refer to the CHES webpage for eligibility.

If you are interested, please contact Reynold Peters who assist in coordinating your wish to take the CCHFM Self Assessment Exam (practice test).

Best Regards,
Reynold Peters
Chair, CHES Manitoba Chapter

CHES CCHFM Certification Exam Offer

The CHES Manitoba Chapter is offering to reimburse any Manitoba Chapter Regular member for the full cost of the CCHFM exam, once the member passes the certification examination.

For reimbursement members should submit evidence of their successful completion of the exam and a copy of their receipt to the MB Chapter Treasurer.

Best Regards,
Reynold Peters
Chair, CHES Manitoba Chapter

CHES Webinars

The CHES Manitoba Chapter is offering to pay for the Webinar Series for its members. This is a great educational opportunity for yourself and any other you may wish to invite. Many members will book a room, speaker phone and a projector to be able to allow others to participate in the webinar free of charge. The webinars are 1 hour long and always start at 1300 Atlantic.

Online registration is available on the CHES website. Choose the Pay Offline option and indicate that payment will be mailed in. Our National office will then record the registration and invoice the Manitoba Chapter at the end of each Webinar for series and single registrations. Please take advantage of this offer. To view the full program with topics and dates, please check the website.

Best regards,
Reynold Peters
Chair CHES Manitoba Chapter