2022 Maritime Chapter Conference

2022 Maritime Conference

Maritime Chapter Virtual Conference

Conférence virtuelle de la Section Maritime

 Monday May 2, 2022


1045-1050 Welcoming Remarks
Helen Comeau, Chair, CHES Maritime Chapter
1050-1055 Greetings from the National Board
Roger Holliss, President, CHES
1055-1100 Introduction of Keynote Speaker
Ronald Maddigan, Siemens
1100-1200 KEYNOTE ADDRESS – Sponsored by Siemens
Creating Your Future: A positive approach to the Covid Correction
Bill Carr
 CarrBill 150x159 Bill Carr is an actor, award winning satirist, writer, speaker, and coach. For over twenty-five years, Bill has been making people laugh at what’s trivial while helping them think deeply about what counts. Bill helps people see their world in new and exciting ways. His unique blend of humour and insight inspires laughter and consideration. The ‘Covid Correction’ has sharply checked our society here and around the world. It has disrupted our economies, our communities, and our very sense of ourselves in profound and often challenging ways.

Bill will explore such things as:
1.  the importance of language in a changing social environment
2.  ‘thinking about thinking’ or how to understand our cognitive processes during times of stress
3.  how to develop flexible partnerships and teams of resilience and support
4.  creative ways to plan for change during change
5.  new ways of self-care in a difficult and challenging health care environment



Placing the Patient First: Innovative infrastructure renewal and energy efficiencies

Robert Barss, CET, CHFM, CCHFM

The mission of Nova Scotia Health (NSH) is to achieve excellence in health, healing and learning through working together. Balancing the financial pressures of aging infrastructure, rising energy costs, and keeping critical systems within compliance requirements is a delicate balance to strike. NSH is delivering on their mission of excellence in health with an eye on sustainability to achieve their vision of healthy people, healthy communities, for generations to come.

Educational Objectives
•  Learn how infrastructure and energy assessments provided the roadmap for the key areas to address in the revitalization of an aging physical infrastructure to optimize healing.
•  Gain insight on the processes for renewing aging automation infrastructure
•  Learn how NSH will benefit from reliable control of critical and non-critical HVAC systems
•  Identify how NSH was able to address the challenges of achieving these outcomes considering a global pandemic

SEMINAR 2 – Sponsored by MCW

Storytelling – the art of sharing
Bill Carr

This workshop discusses how to share your stories internally and externally. During times of extreme change, it is important to know where everyone is coming from. As a colleague of ours once said “If you don’t understand why someone is acting a particular way, you don’t know enough of their story.” This has never been truer than in the current social reality in which we find ourselves.

 Tuesday May 3, 2022


1000-1100 CHES Maritime Chapter Annual General Meeting (Agenda package)
1100-1145 SEMINAR 3 – Sponsored by Trane
Wayne Chiasson
, Services Sales Manager, Trane


Better Performing Facilities Now and Into the Future
Kandice Cohen, Portfolio Director, Electrification of Heat, Trane Commercial HVAC Americas, Trane Technologies
Scott Huffmaster, Healthy Building Solutions Sales Leader, Americas Commercial HVAC, Trane Technologies

There have never been more challenges than what our hospitals face today. As it relates to facilities and infrastructure, our hospitals are burdened with mechanical systems that are past their useful life resulting in additional risk to patient care. Budgets are limited and often re-directed to more critical clinical priorities. There is also a renewed focus on environmental responsibility including the drive to “net-zero healthcare” and other sustainability initiatives. Today, we have another dynamic – the impact of COVID and what to do now and into the future in terms of protecting patients, staff and visitors in our hospitals. New technologies play a key role in improving building wellness. For example, new solutions are available to safely reduce the impact associated with microbes in air and on surfaces, with some solutions providing 99.9% proven reduction of SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant. Some LED lighting technologies may also impact assessments of perceived health and wellbeing. Building central plant systems can be implemented which can result in 20 – 30% energy savings, significantly impacting carbon emissions of a facility. Technology that can enable remote monitoring and diagnostics has advanced to the point where it can be a key contributor to addressing the above challenges while keeping facility operators informed in real time of the building’s performance.

Educational objectives
• highlight the need to improve building performance focusing on infrastructure, technology and solutions
• address the impact of aging equipment, environmental sustainability objectives and
• address the risks associated with the pandemic to contribute to a better performing hospital and better health outcome

SEMINAR 4 – Sponsored by Camfil

Managing Virus Threats with Proper Air Filtration
Jason Turner
, Regional Sales Manager, Camfil Canada

This presentation will help hospital facilities managers understand COVID-19 virus droplets and aerosols, how the virus is transmitted, what filtration efficiency is recommended as part of a facility mitigation strategy, CSA Z317.2.19, what are the total cost of ownership trade-offs for various filtration options, and who is their best partner to upgrade and prepare their facilities and protect their human assets.

Educational Objectives
• Identify Proper Air Filtration
• Assess what hospitals are currently doing for air filtration
• Identify Areas for improvement
• Describe how to mitigate virus exposure in a healthcare facility

IFHE Conference September 17-21 Toronto: Unleashing Innovation Healthcare Engineering Excellence

SEMINAR 5 – Sponsored by WSP

Kevin Cassidy, Global Healthcare Lead, Head of Healthcare Canada, WSP
Matthew Rodgers
, P.Eng., Director Atlantic, Buildings Mechanical and Electrical, WSP

Are We There Yet?  Exploring the positives coming out of our COVID-19 pandemic journey
Gordon D. Burrill, PEng, CCHFM, CHFM, CHC, FASHE, President of Teegor Consulting Inc.

If you have children, grand-children or even if you were ever a child yourself, you have probably heard the whine from the back seat of a car: “Are we there yet?” As humans begin to travel about we tend to focus on the destination and the anticipation of reaching that destination can, at times, overshadow the benefits of the journey. You may have even responded to such a question with something like “relax, we’ll get there soon enough…in the meantime, sit back and enjoy the scenery”. Although that might not sit too well with an anxious six-year-old, we sometimes need to be reminded of our own good advice. The last two years of the COVID-19 pandemic have been a journey of historic proportion and there has been lots of scenery along the way.

This presentation will explore the time of the global pandemic and try to extract learnings from these events. Some learnings have been very positive while others may present challenges for our healthcare system. Yet other learnings have been downright painful to observe as we passed along the road. Many of these learnings have the opportunity to offer much improvement to our healthcare physical environments, if we allow ourselves to relax, sit back and enjoy the scenery.

Educational Objectives:
•  Recap the pandemic events beginning in December of 2019
•  Explore the pandemic journey with an eye to the many silver linings
•  Identify elements of our learning that still need actions to ensure they become lasting
•  Develop personal action plans to ensure that the learning is converted to actions

Prize Draw – Trip to IFHE for a CHES Maritime Member – Sponsored by CBCL

Conference Closing
Robert Barss, Chair, CHES Maritime Chapter

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Thank You to All Our Sponsors




CBCL                                             Camfil



Trane 200x252                                       WSP


MCW Logo 175x88


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