Mitigating the Federal Carbon

Conférencière: Robert Scheffer, PE, ME, MBA

The objective of this discussion is to help both senior technical and financial managers understand and address the annually escalating carbon charges being levied on healthcare institutions and how the application of alternate financial and operational models may be applied to fund technological advancements to address these challenges.


Sponsored by  JohnsonControls




Speaker  Robert Scheffer, PE, ME, MBA

National Director Growth, Infrastructure as a Service – Healthcare
Rob is the National Director for Johnson Controls Infrastructure as a Service for the healthcare market. With over 30 years of direct experience serving healthcare institutions, Rob brings a wealth of expertise to the Johnson Controls team in terms of strategic planning and assisting health organizations in meeting their operational goals. Rob’s specific focus at Johnson Controls is to assist healthcare leaders in reaching their sustainability objectives through innovative financial service models.

Robs education includes an MBA from the Colangelo School of Business, Grand Canyon University, Phoenix, AZ and a Bachelor of Business Administration, Mechanical Engineering and Management, from the McCombs School of Business, University of Texas, Austin, TX

There is no charge for registration but you must register in order to join the webinar.

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