2023 Maritime Chapter Conference


  Sunday April 30
 6:00-8:00 Registration, Opening Reception Shediac A Room
  Monday May 1
 8:00-8:45 Registration and Breakfast Mezzanine/Ballroom C
 8:45-8:55 Welcoming Remarks
Robert Barss, Chair, CHES Maritime Chapter
Ballroom C
 8:45-8:55 Greetings from the National Board
Craig Doerksen, CHES President
 9:00-10:00 Keynote Address
Greg Kettner
The Power of Laughter

Greg Kettner is a TEDx Keynote Speaker, Trainer, and Coach who uses the Work Happy Program to assist leaders and organizations in reducing stress, boosting productivity, and fostering a culture of mental health mindfulness.

In his talk “The Power of Laughter” he shares how businesses can inspire and empower their workforce by putting people before profits. WorkHappy businesses succeed by ensuring that voices are heard, opinions and perspectives are valued, and that discussions about mental health take place in the workplace.

Greg’s compelling tales will hold your attention, make you chuckle, and perhaps even touch a soft spot in your heart. He has delivered over $12 million in products and services during his 27-year sales and leadership career with Nike, the Vancouver Canucks, S.A.P., and BuildDirect by working happy and serving others.

He is a world-class connector who’s had drinks with Wayne Gretzky, performed comedy with Robin Williams, and nearly knocked over Queen Elizabeth II.

Coca-Cola, RE/MAX, Ford Motor Company, iCIMS, Traction Guest, Visier, SunLife Financial, and the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympic Games are just a few of the companies that now Work Happy.

10:00-10:45 Seminar 1: Integrated Systems Improve Patient Experience
Wade Reda, Siemens Canada Ltd.
Building systems are evolving. They no longer sit in silos and islands. They can interact to achieve a smart hospital experience. While at first, this had key benefits around reducing operational costs and improve ease of maintenance, today we see this technology as a key element to improve the patient experience. Smarter building systems create a living breathing building that creates a better healing environment for its patients.In this session you will learn about:

-What patients are looking for (trends)
-How technology providers are adapting
-How to leverage building system to create a superior patient experience
-How to value engineer innovation

10:45-11:00 Refreshment Break Mezzanine C
11:00-11:45 Seminar 2: Reducing Carbon Emissions and Achieving Enhanced Indoor Environments in Existing Buildings Ballroom C
Darryl K. Boyce, P.Eng., ASHRAE Fellow

The presentation will provide a roadmap to evaluate the opportunities to reduce energy use and carbon emissions in existing buildings while improving the indoor environment. The presentation will review several evaluation tools that can be used to prioritize the identified opportunities. The presentation will also look at the work that ASHRAE is working on in the areas of Standards Guidelines and Education programs that can shape the future of the built environment to effect reductions in Carbon Emissions.

11:45-12:30 Seminar 3: Breaking the Replacement Cycle: Managed Asset Approach to Roofing & Building Envelope Technologies
Meagan Kikuta, M.Eng., B.Arch. Sci., LEED AP, RRO
Design Professional Rep, Tremco

Facilities and Operations managers are tasked with prioritizing the needs of their aging building envelope and roofing portfolio. As the cost of construction continues to increase at an unprecedented rate, the ability to address repairs, maintenance and replacement projects becomes increasing more difficult and costly. This presentation explores options for not only higher performing solutions, but ways to manage your roofing inventory to get more work done for the same budget through prioritization, diagnostics, and restoration.

This presentation will cover the following agenda:
• Introduction to some high performance building envelope technologies
• Low Slope Roofing 101
• Roofing Asset Management Approach
• Restoration Options
• Local Case Studies

12:30-1:00 Lunch and Annual General Business Meeting
1:00-5:00 Afternoon with Exhibitors Ballroom AB
4:00-5:00 Happy Hour on the Exhibit Floor
4:45 Vendor Draw Prizes
6:00 Dinner – The Old Triangle Irish Alehouse 1751 Main St. (across from the Delta)
   Tuesday 2 May
8:00-8:45 Breakfast Uppeer Mezzanine
8:50-9:35 Seminar 4: Water Remediation and Mold in a Hospital Setting Shediac AB
Jim Mandeville, MWR, MSR, MTC, Senior VP Large Loss America, First OnSite

Identify typical water damage in a hospital setting and avenues open to remediation. Typical scenarios would be a sprinkler line breaks because it was frozen, weather patterns impact structure of building and leaks/spills. What can be done internally with staff and the role of a remediation technician to support staff and residents. What are the critical task in the first 42 hours to mitigate loss? Explain First Onsite role and capacity.

9:35-10:20 Seminar 5: Security From the Front Door to the Bedside
Olivier Dumoulin, Account Executive, Enterprise, Genetec, Inc.

This presentation explores how open, unified physical security solutions are helping healthcare facilities create a secure, positive experience for patients and staff as challenges and requirements continue to evolve. It includes practical guidance on how, by unifying and modernizing security systems, healthcare facilities can increase efficiency and mitigate cyber threats, contribute to a safer working environment, and improve the patient experience.

1. Understand how unifying security cameras, door sensors, access events and IoT devices can help reduce false alarms
2. Gain insight into how IT and Security teams can work together to reduce cybersecurity risks
3. Apply learnings from other healthcare facilities on how centralizing data from security systems can enable new services and better patient experiences

10:20-10:30 Refreshment Break
10:30-11:15 Seminar 6: Smoke Dampers 101
Brendan Chase, P.Eng, RJ Bartlett Engineering Ltd. 

Smoke dampers – the mechanical devices which are used to limit the movement of smoke through fire separations – involve various design (building code requirements), installation, and maintenance requirements; some of which were introduced in the 2015 National Building Code of Canada. An understanding of these requirements is critical in maintaining the continuity of required fire separations (rated and nonrated) and smoke management systems.

This presentation will review general code and installation requirements, the locations in which smoke dampers are required (or exempt), and will discuss basic maintenance and testing including how these are impacted by design and installation.

11:15-12:00 Seminar 7: Seeing yourself through the patient’s lens
Gordon Burrill, P.Eng., CCHFM, FASHE, CHFM, CHC ; Teegor Consulting Inc.

Have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror? I mean, really looked at yourself in the mirror! When you take the time to explore that image looking back at you in detail, it is not always what it might appear at first glance. We all go about our day-to-day activities of the mindset that we are pretty good at what we do. And yet, others may see things differently! This presentation will explore how patients view the physical environment in which they are being cared and the important role that environment plays on their wellbeing. It will also explore how the patients interact with individuals in the engineering and maintenance departments and how that can, in fact, add to or detract from their experience.

Part of the CHES vision is to create “excellence in the patient care focussed environment”. Sometimes, it can be difficult to connect the dots between working on motors or pumps in a mechanical room and that patient-care focus. And yet, if you have ever spent a few hours, a few days or even a few weeks as one of those patients, you understand the profound impact that the condition of the building environment can have on you – physically, emotionally, or spiritually.

This session will help you to step in closer to that mirror and truly see what others may see as they interact with you, your staff or the buildings you are responsible to

12:00-1:00 Lunch
CHES Maritime Draw Prizes / Conference Wrap Up


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