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Congrès national 2013 SCISS
"Ensemble vers l''avenir"
Centre congrès de Scotiabank, Niagara Falls (Ontario) 

Congrès et salon professionnel:

Centre congrès de Scotiabank
6815, av. Stanley
Niagara Falls (Ontario)


Niagara Falls Marriott Gateway on the Falls Hotel
6755 Fallsview Boulevard
Niagara Falls ON
Tel: 905-374-1077
Chambres Cityview - occupation simple/double - du 17 au 28 septembre 2013   Réservations en ligne

Chambres Fallsview - occupation simple/double - du 17 au 28 septembre 2013   Réservations en ligne

Un bloc de chambres a été retenu à l'hôtel Niagara Falls Marriott Gateway on the Fallls pour les délégués au congrès de la SCISS, au tarif de 169 $ (chambre Cityview : occupation simple ou double) ou 185 $ (chambre Fallsview : occupation simple ou double), taxes en sus (13 % TVH).  Pour recevoir le tarif du congrès, veuillez mentionner « SCISS 2013 » au moment de faire votre réservation.  Les délégués doivent tous réserver leur hébergement directement avec l'hôtel.  Toutes les chambres non réservées seront remises en vente générale à compter du 21 août 2013.

Arrivées:    15 heures; Départs:  Midi

Stationnement:  Coût du stationnement sur les lieux:  10 $ par jour; Coût du servie de voiturier 25 $ par jour

L'hôtel a adopté une politique d'interdiction du tabac.

Code vestimentaire
Tenue d'affaires décontractée
Tenue de bureau

Comité du congrès

 Président du congrès Ron Durocher 
 Éducation Jim McArthur (Président)
Barry Hunt
Ian Becker
Alain Boucher
George Harron
Bob Hutton
Promotion/Communication Ron Durocher
Expositions et commanditaires Allan Kelly (Président)
Kent Waddington (Parc vert)
Acitivités sociales Ken Preston (Président)
Dave Abbott
Norm Swenker

Bureau du congrès
Bureau national de la SCISS
4, rue Cataraqui, bur. 301
Kingston (Ontario) K7K 1Z7

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., directrice exécutive
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., directeur du salon professionel
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tél:  613-531-2661
Téléc:  1-866-303-1260


 CHES 2013 NF LOGO banner670x137


Congrés national 2013
"Ensemble vers l'avenir"
Centre des congrès Scotiabank, Niagara Falls (Ontario) 

Jay Ingram, Conférencier principal


L'un des vulgarisateurs scientifiques les plus connus au Canada, Jay Ingram a été coanimateur et réalisateur de l'émission « Daily Planet » pendant plus de 20 ans. Il a quitté son poste en 2011. Cependant, Ingram n’a pas l’intention de quitter totalement le monde de la télévision. En allégeant ses fonctions habituelles, il espère explorer d'autres occasions à la chaîne Discovery Channel. Il continuera aussi de fournir des textes pour l’émission « Daily Planet », mais à titre de contributeur plutôt que comme coanimateur.

Ingram a été animateur de l'émission scientifique « Quirks and Quarks » à la radio de la CBC de 1979 à 1992, ce qui lui a valu deux prix ACTRA, dont le prix du meilleur animateur. Pendant les années 80, il a également contribué à la revue Owl Magazine en tant que conseiller à la rédaction. Il a aussi été animateur de deux séries documentaires à la radio, « The Talk Show », portant sur la langue, et « Cranial Pursuits », s’intéressant au cerveau. The Talk Show a remporté le prix du journalisme « Science in Society Journalism Award ». Par la suite, Ingram a présenté des articles sur le cerveau pour l'émission sur la santé « The Health Show » à la télévision de la CBC et a été contributeur d'articles hebdomadaires réguliers pour l'émission « Canada Live » de la chaîne CBC Newsworld (1993-94).

Il a remporté la médaille McNeil pour la diffusion de la science auprès du public de la Société royale du Canada en 1984, la médaille Sandford Fleming du Royal Canadian Institute en 1986 pour son travail de vulgarisation scientifique, et le prix Michael Smith pour la promotion des sciences décerné par le Conseil de recherches en sciences naturelles et en génie du Canada en 2001. Il détient quatre doctorats honorifiques : de l'université Carleton, l'université McGill, l'université McMaster et de King's College à Halifax.

Ingram est l’auteur de onze livres, dont trois ont remporté des prix « Canadian Science Writers' Awards ». Son plus récent titre est Daily Planet : The Ultimate Books of Everyday Science. En 2009, Ingram a été nommé membre de l'Ordre du Canada. Il est un communicateur attachant et inspirant, capable d'expliquer des questions scientifiques complexes en termes non techniques, les rendant ainsi intéressantes, pertinentes et accessibles à un auditoire des plus variés.



Les délégués à notre conférence comprennent des personnes qui ont des postes à responsabilité ou qui travaillent directement dans les secteurs suivants :

Ingénierie des installations Sécurité Gestion des biens immobiliers
Gestion des installations Planification des installations Services de soutien
Entretien des bâtiments Construction Gestion de l'environnement
Ingénierie clinique Sécurité Gestion des déchets

Brochure d'exposant

Contrat d'exposant

Manuel des exposants


Faites mieux connaître votre société! Nous offrons des occasions de commandite à différents niveaux (diamant, platine, or, argent ou bronze), chaque niveau fournissant plusieurs droits aux commanditaires. Tous les commanditaires bénéficient d’un niveau élevé de visibilité et de reconnaissance.

Occasions de commandite

Qui devrait participer au salon?

Systèmes d’air/Filtres à air Maquettes architecturales Chaudières Technologies de construction
Systèmes de communication Ingéneurs-conseil Systèmes électriques/d'alimentation électrique Ascenseurs
Gestion-environnementale Robinets/Distributeurs Revêtements de sol/Moquettes Sécurité incendie
Générateurs/Commutateurs Systèmes de prévention des infections Éclairage Systèmes de gestion de l'entretien
Systèmes d'appel d'infirmières Peinture Systèmes informatiques de suivi des patients Tuyauterie
Toiture Sécurité Outillage Gestion des déchets
Nettoyage/Nettoyage de conduits Entrepreneurs Mobilier Transport de matériels
Gestion de l'énergie Systèmes de réfrigération/refroidissement    


Zone Verte Green ParkLogo200

Les exposants admissibles ont la possiblité d'obtenir un stand dans la Zone verte.


10 conseils pratiques pour réduire les déchets























































CHES 2013 LOGO Niagara Falls 680x371


"Ensemble vers l'avenir"

33e congrès annuel de la

Société canadienne d'ingénierie des services de santé 

Centre des congrès Scotiabank, Niagara Falls (Ontario) 



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RedHoneywell w200

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JohnsonControls   CHEM AQUA  Union Gas 1


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Klenzoid Logo-Resized   Thermogenics  Trane
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Reliable Controls



























Bassam Ajam , Ing., M.Sc.A, M.Sc.Adm.

Bassam Ajam est titulaire d’un baccalauréat en génie mécanique de l’Université d’Ottawa et de deux maîtrises – en gestion et développement des organisations de l’Université Laval et en sciences appliquées, spécialisation génie mécanique, de l’Université de Sherbrooke. Sa formation universitaire et professionnelle lui a permis de diversifier son expérience professionnelle dans plusieurs secteurs. Monsieur Ajam occupe actuellement le poste de chef de service en ingénierie et opérations au sein du Centre universitaire de santé McGill (CUSM). Avec plus de 24 années d’expérience dans les secteurs privés et public, Bassam Ajam est un professionnel chevronné, ayant une vaste expertise dans les différents aspects qui tiennent à la mécanique du bâtiment et une grande expérience dans les opérations, sur les chantiers et les projets d’efficacité énergétique. Il s’est ainsi vu confier la responsabilité de plusieurs projets complexes, durant lesquels il a fait preuve de gestion efficiente, en accordant beaucoup d’importance au respect des différents environnements physiques et budgétaires. Son savoir-faire technique et son expérience en gestion lui permettent de jouer un rôle de premier ordre dans la réalisation des mandats qui lui sont confiés, tout en agissant comme réviseur technique pour plusieurs projets complexe.




Gunnar Baekken

Gunnar Baekken has been the Director of Non-Medical Supports at the University Hospital of Trondheim, Norway, since 2003.  He has a Master of Science degree in Biomedical Engineering, and has served as Past Vice President of the Norwegian Association of Biomedical Engineering and Past President of FSTL-Norwegian Association of Hospital Engineering.  He has participated in various national and international committees concerning hospital technology and facilities management including the World Health Organization (WHO).  Currently Gunnar is the General Secretary of the International Federation of Hospital Engineering (IFHE).


Bob Bedard

Bob Bedard is the General Superintendent, Edmonton Region for EllisDon Construction Services. With over 35 years experience on a variety of projects across North America, Bob holds a Gold Seal Certification from the Canadian Construction Industry and is a member of the CSA Infection Control Committee.

Bob is passionate about building better, safer health care facilities. He has extensive healthcare construction experience and innovative ideas for achieving stringent levels of infection control during construction, while maintaining schedule and budget. Working alongside Healthcare Facility Owners and Stakeholders on the existing construction projects in the Edmonton area, Bob has implemented groundbreaking strategies for better managing Air Quality and Infection Control.   His input in revising Section 8 of Z317 which specifically addresses green field sites, has been tested and proven successful with the recent completion of a test pilot project started in 2010. 

By managing Air Quality, Air Temperature and Humidity Levels, better interpretation of Infection Control standards and diligent monitoring of the work in the field, Bob is confident we can improve how the industry as a whole builds future healthcare facilities.


Antonin Bouchard, Ing., MBA

As Associate Director of Engineering and Operations, Antonin Bouchard oversees all activities with regards to standards, norms and expertise in the field of engineering across the MUHC’s current sites, as well as for the redevelopment project. Within this domain, he is responsible for recruiting and supervising planning consultants and professionals for the redevelopment project, as well as with the review of redevelopment plans. Mr. Bouchard coordinates the elaboration of engineering and value-added studies, and he is a key-member of various committees and working-groups for the review of architectural studies. He is one of the initiators of the MUHC’s energy efficiency projects, which have consistently obtained recognition from specialty establishments such as the Québec Hospital Association, Building Owners and Managers Association, and Québec’s Association of Real Estate Development Managers.


William Carson

Bill has recently retired from The Mitchell Partnership in Toronto Ontario a Mechanical Consulting Engineering Firm with a strong commitment to the commissioning of buildings and their mechanical systems. To this end they have a dedicated commissioning group with Bill as the commissioning coordinator.   Bill still represents the Mitchell Partnership in his ongoing participation in standards development with Canadian Standards Association.

Bill started in the electrical construction industry working in the field but soon joined management and has spent twenty years in the electrical contracting field  twenty years in the mechanical contracting field and the last ten years with The Mitchell Partnership.  During these years his focus has been commissioning and standards development and implementation with the latter becoming his focus. This is demonstrated by his commitment to The Canadian Standards Association as a volunteer in Standards development for almost 25 years.


Marc Dagneau

I have specialized in sterile processing maintenance first as a technician and now as a regional coordinator for the last six years.  Together with Mitch Weimer, Director, Fraser Health Authority, Facilities Maintenance & Operations, and our management and technical teams, I have been working to standardize our procedures, policies, parts supply, documentation, databases and equipment maintenance documentation.  The primary objectives of this initiative are risk mitigation, uptime, and quality outcomes.

My skill set comes from a somewhat diverse variety of life experiences, formal education, hands-on mechanical experience and technical management training.  I have a Bachelor of Arts degree with a major in English Literature and a minor in Professional Writing, which I paid for by working with my hands.    During breaks in my formal education, I travelled extensively throughout Europe, Asia, North Africa and North America, which I believe adds a worldly depth to my perspective on things and my dealings with people.

After graduating from UVIC, I started a family and challenged my 4th class power engineer’s certificate with steam time I earned at Ridge Meadows Hospital.  I quickly gravitated to sterile processing maintenance and the diligent documenting that is attached to this kind of maintenance in an ISO 9001 accredited region.


Céline Drolet

Céline Drolet est détentrice d’un baccalauréat, et est membre de l’Ordre des architectes du Québec. Architecte-associée pour une firme d’architectes de 1981 à 1999, Mme Drolet entre par la suite en fonction à la Corporation d’hébergement du Québec.  Elle y a coordonné des mandats principalement axés sur la planification des projets, ainsi que le développement de l’expertise et l’élaboration de guides relatifs au domaine socio sanitaire. Ceci l’a amené à participer à différents comités d’experts ainsi qu’à plusieurs colloques internationaux sur l’architecture de la santé. Elle travaille présentement à la Direction de l’expertise et de la normalisation du Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux.


Dr. Louis R. Dufresne

Le docteur Louis R. Dufresne est médecin spécialiste en néphrologie.  Il a été professeur agrégé PTG à l’Université de Montréal de 1982 à 1997.

Le docteur Louis R. Dufresne a occupé le poste de chef du département de médecine de l’Hôpital Saint-Luc de 1992 à 1997, celui de directeur des services professionnels du Centre hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal de 1997 à 2003 et celui de directeur des services hospitaliers et des affaires universitaires au ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux de 2003 à 2012.


Jessica Fullerton, B.Sc., M.Sc., CIC

I completed my undergraduate honours degree at the University of Guelph majoring in Molecular Biology and Genetics. I then continued on at the University of Guelph completing a Masters degree in Microbiology focusing on host receptors involved in Bordetella infection. After completing my graduate degree, I worked as a laboratory technician focusing on bacterial pathogenesis of gram-negative organisms. I made the decision to move from research to the clinical world in 2007. I completed the Infection Control and Epidemiology course with the Michener Institute and was hired on by the University Health Network in Toronto as a member of the Infection Prevention and Control team. My areas of focus are neurosurgical surgical site infections, outbreak management, antibiotic resistant organism surveillance, education, and infection prevention during construction /renovation /maintenance activities. I received my Certification in Infection Control (CIC) in 2012 and am currently working as an Infection Control Practitioner with Hamilton Health Sciences in Hamilton, Ontario.


Pierre Gauthier

Pierre Gauthier est détenteur d’une maîtrise en administration des affaires (MBA) et d’un baccalauréat en architecture. Architecte pour différentes firmes de 1979 à 1989, il entre par la suite en fonction à la Société immobilière du Québec ou il occupe principalement le poste de directeur des projets spéciaux. Au cours de cette période, il a été chargé de cours à l’École d’architecture de l’Université Laval. En 2001, il entre à la Corporation d’hébergement du Québec à titre de directeur de l’expertise et de directeur général de la gestion de projet et de l’expertise.  Depuis 2011, il est directeur de l’expertise et de la normalisation au Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux.


Erinn Haley-Stevenson

Erinn has worked her way into becoming one of Parkin’s most diverse Interior Designers.  She has been involved with various projects healthcare projects including; Surrey Memorial Hospital (P3 Pursuit and winner); Kemptville District Hospital, Kemptville; Peel Family Services; Royal Ottawa Hospital, P3, (Interior Design, Signage, Furniture), Ottawa; Hamilton Health Sciences, (Systems Furniture), Hamilton; Medical Arts Building, Breast Clinic, Newmarket; Winchester District Memorial Hospital, Winchester; Southlake Regional Health Centre, Newmarket and Palmerston District Hospital, Palmerston in addition to several recreation and justice projects. Prior to joining Parkin, Erin worked for several corporate interior design firms.


T.J. Johnson

Tyler (T.J.) Johnson has over 10 years experience in the design and implementation of temporary indoor air quality systems used throughout the construction period.  In conjunction with a team of industry leaders he has been involved in the development of temporary equipment systems to manage building environments during all phases of construction.

T.J. is passionate about designing temporary indoor air quality systems.  He has been involved in pioneering the development and use of high volume air handling units that control temperature, humidity, and air quality during the many phases of construction.  Recognizing that air quality involves several key variables he has been highly involved in the design of equipment aimed at improving operational efficiency and product quality.


He has extensive experience in strategic design of temporary IAQ systems aimed at managing internal building environments.  Using his knowledge, and understanding that air quality can directly impact all aspects of health care facility construction, T.J. has been involved in the design and implementation of several temporary IAQ systems at several major projects across Canada.


Marc Kadziolka 

Marc Kadziolka is a Vice-President with SNC-Lavalin Inc. and the General Manager of the company’s Wiebe Forest Engineering division.  Marc has 27 years of consulting engineering experience and leads a team of mechanical, electrical and structural building design engineers in Calgary.  The Wiebe Forest Engineering division of SNC-Lavalin Inc. is prominent in healthcare building design, having completed more than 160 Healthcare projects in Alberta and British Columbia since 2000.

Marc was the principal mechanical engineer on the Alberta Children’s Hospital that opened in 2006 and is completing the mechanical engineering on the new 175,000m2 South Health Campus that will open in Calgary this fall.  Marc takes a practical approach to design and emphasizes straightforward solutions in developing mechanical systems for hospitals.


Norma McCormick

Norma McCormick is founder and principal of Corporate Health Works, Inc. Established in 1987. She works with companies and communities to detect, assess and control health hazards in the workplace and in the environment. A health care administrator by profession, Norma has worked in the fields of human services, systems evaluation and planning, health promotion, occupational safety and health and environmental management since 1967. Norma holds a Bachelor of Arts (1967) and in 1990 received certification in Occupational Safety and Health through the University of Manitoba. She has completed course work in Health Care Administration in the Independent Studies Program of the University of Minnesota School of Public Health and holds a certificate in Health Care Administration through the Canadian Hospital Association and the University of Ottawa.



Michel Methot

Michel Méthot is Quebec’s District General Manager for Honeywell Building Solutions.  Since 1986, Michel has worked in the building solutions and services domain, concentrating in business management and leadership roles.  He graduated from the University of Laval with a degree in mechanical engineering.  For Michel, the success of a technology implementation project is dependent upon a rigorous construction management methodology, but, of paramount importance, is the promoter’s ability to educate and engage the occupants in their new environment.   Honeywell is a Canadian leader in building technological solutions for the health care environment.  Michel has been involved in more than 40 health care projects during his career involving energy efficiency, infection control, fire safety, protecting people, building asset management and renewal strategies. Michel has devoted his career to making buildings more efficient, secure and productive as well as developing solutions adapted to customers’ evolving needs. 


Wilton Moran

Wilton Moran is a Project Engineer with the U.S. Copper Development Association. He holds a Bachelors of Engineering Degree in Engineering Science from Stony Brook University.  He has co-authored several technical papers and articles including articles on the antimicrobial property of copper and its applications. He joined CDA in 2005. He is currently pursuing an MBA through the NYU Stern School of Business.


Harold Moret

Currently he is the Project Manager for Copper Development Association, Inc. (CDA) His responsibilities include providing training and technical assistance to architects, interior designers, contractors, engineers and others interested in uses and benefits of copper and copper alloy material for building construction uses. He also provides engineering and architectural assistance, technical development (codes and standards) and installation training to the designers, specifier’s, installers, State plumbing Inspectors.

He has over 25 years of professional experience in the Building and plumbing and mechanical field. He is an active member of AIA, ASPE, PHCC, ACCA and State Inspector Groups. His dedication, knowledge and long experience in the building trade industry serve him well as an educator.


Laurier Nichols

Mr. Laurier Nichols is a 1972 Mechanical Engineering graduate from Montreal’s École Polytechnique. Since then, he has built a vast and sound experience as a Design Engineer in Buildings Mechanical. Through the years, he has successfully completed numerous designs of ventilation, air conditioning and heating systems for institutional, industrial and commercial buildings.

Mr. Nichols often acts as a technical expert for preliminary studies conducted prior to the design as well as for the selection of the type of equipment to be used for the mechanical and electrical servicing of new buildings.  In the course of his career and through his many professional accomplishments, Mr. Nichols received more than 20 awards from several professional associations or public companies (ASHRAE, Hydro-Québec, AQME, OIQ, CCE, CGC, etc.). In 2005, he was named “Fellow” of ASHRAE. He is also a certified LEED professional of the U.S. Green Buildings Council (USGBC).


Penny Rae

Penny is a professional engineer who has experience in both the public and private sectors.  For the last two and a half years she has been with Alberta Health Services as the Senior Vice President, Capital Management.  She has been working over the last two years building a provincial team and standardizing processes provincially.  She is also a strong advocate for the LEAN work Capital Management has been doing.  Prior to that Penny was with PricewaterhouseCoopers for ten years and jointly led their Operations and Projects – Performance Improvement Group for Alberta.  She helped her clients deliver in excess of $30 billion in projects and improved service delivery and efficiency in their operations and supply chain functions.


Boban Ratkovich

Boban Ratkovich is the Principal of CES Engineering Ltd. He is a Registered Professional Engineer in BC, Certified Energy Manager and Certified Building Energy Simulation Analyst under American Association of Energy Engineers. Boban is also LEED Accredited Professional.

Boban has over 20 years of experience in building systems commissioning. Boban’s services focus around holistic approach to the building systems commissioning, combining building systems energy analysis and measurement and verification into the total building commissioning process. He teaches “Energy Codes and Standards” course at the British Columbia Institute of Technology.

Boban is CSA Committee member for developing new version of the CSA Z318 Healthcare Building Commissioning Standard and Health Care Facility Operation and Maintenance Standard.   He is also a member of the expect review committee for the consolidation of the Canadian Biosafety Standards and a member of the Board of Directors of the Building Commissioning Association Western Canadian Chapter.  


Steve Rees

Steve Rees is the Vice President of Capital Management, Edmonton Zone for Alberta Health Services.  Steve is a Certified Facility Manager, holds three trade certificates, and a graduate of the University of Alberta’s Construction Administration Program.  He has worked in Healthcare Facilities Management for the past 33 years and is a past president of the Canadian Healthcare Engineering Society. 


Allan Roles

Allan is a Professional Engineer with an MBA.  He entered the healthcare engineering field 25 years ago as Director of Engineering and Maintenance at the University Hospital in Saskatoon.  His responsibilities grew quickly in Saskatchewan as regionalization took hold.  In 1992, Allan moved to the Calgary General Hospital as director of Engineering and Maintenance, Project Management, Security and Parking Services.  During the regionalization of the 1990’s Allan became Director of Engineering and Maintenance for the Calgary Zone and continued in that capacity as the Calgary Health Region grew to include numerous sites outside of Calgary.  In September 2011, Allan was selected for the position of Vice President Capital Management for the Calgary Zone.  This position includes responsibility for Facilities Maintenance and Engineering, Project Management, Parking and Protective Services, Clinical Engineering and Property Management.


Senator Larry Smith

On December 20, 2010, he was summoned to the Canadian Senate on the advice of Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Smith sits in the upper house as a Conservative.

Larry Smith, who was President and CEO of the Montreal Alouettes for 12 seasons, is one of the most recognized figures in the Quebec community. The Montreal fans first got to know him as a star fullback from 1972 to 1980, and then as President and Chief Executive Officer from 1997 to 2001, when he led the Alouettes’ organization through one of the most important periods of the franchise history.

After two years as president and publisher of The Gazette in 2002 and 2003, Smith reassumed the presidency of the Alouettes in March 2004 until December 2010. His return to the Alouettes allowed Smith an opportunity to add to his rich football legacy in Quebec. Smith’s first term as Alouettes’ president followed five years as Commissioner of the Canadian Football League. He has worked tirelessly for professional and amateur football over the last 30 years, playing a key role in reviving the tradition and glory of football in Montreal and the province.


Nick Stark

Nick Stark joined the consulting engineering firm of H.H. Angus & Associates in 1978 as a graduate in Mechanical Engineering.  He gained experience in Toronto, Calgary and London, England before returning to the Toronto office in 1987 as a Principal. He is a recognized expert in the design of mechanical systems in health care facilities.  Nick is currently VP Knowledge Management as well as spearheading the P3 work at H.H. Angus.

Nick has participated in the design of projects at over 50 health care facilities across Canada and abroad including recent major facilities for Thunder Bay, North Bay, Royal Jubilee in Victoria, and CHUM in Montreal.

He has taken the initiative to participate actively in the development of Codes and Standards as they relate to health care. He is active as chair of CSA 317.2, Special Requirements for HVAC Systems in Health Care Facilities, and a vice chair of Z8000 Canadian Health Care Facilities.


Mitch Weimer 


Lynne Wilson-Orr

Lynne is an architect/interior designer specialized in healthcare design and planning. Her projects include everything from small rural hospitals to large urban, teaching hospitals and new hospitals to renovations of late 19th century structures.  Lynne has been responsible for the design and planning of many neonatal intensive care units, maternal/newborn units, paediatric units and maternal/child out patient facilities.  Lynne was a contributor to the Health Canada Family-Centred Maternity /Newborn Care National Guidelines; Ontario’s Healthcare Design Standards and is a member of the Consensus Committee to Establish Recommended Standards for Newborn ICU DesigLynne is an architect/interior designer specialized in healthcare design and planning. Her projects include everything from small rural hospitals to large urban, teaching hospitals and new hospitals to renovations of late 19th century structures.  Lynne has been responsible for the design and planning of many neonatal intensive care units, maternal/newborn units, paediatric units and maternal/child out patient facilities.  Lynne was a contributor to the Health Canada Family-Centred Maternity /Newborn Care National Guidelines; Ontario’s Healthcare Design Standards and is a member of the Consensus Committee to Establish Recommended Standards for Newborn ICU Design.


Dale Woodin

Dale Woodin, FASHE, CHFM, serves as ASHE’s Executive Director providing senior leadership to ASHE’s public policy initiatives, research agenda, education programs, publications, and Wireless Medical Telemetry Service.  In addition to his administrative duties he frequently represents the ASHE 11,000 members on codes and standards formation, revision, and interpretation.  He currently serves on the Joint Commission Hospital Advisory Council and the US Department of Energy’s Healthcare Energy Alliance Steering Committee.

Dale holds a B.S in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Illinois with over 30 years of healthcare experience including 18 years in hospital facilities management.  He has authored articles on diverse hospital topics including construction, ventilation, medical telemetry, hand hygiene products fire modeling, and waterborne contaminants.


Steven Yamamoto

Steven Yamamoto is the Site Coordinator of the Royal Victoria Hospital, the Montreal Neurologial Hospital, and the Montreal Chest Institute. He serves as a professional engineer who administers, manages and supervises all operations at the three sites. He is a graduate of Civil Engineering from Concordia University, and a post-graduate Master of Science Administration from Laval University. Steven Yamamoto has over 25 years of experience in the engineering and management sector. After working for 15 years within the private engineering sector, he then moved to the public health care sector where he has been working for over 15 years.